2020 Virtual Iowa Thespian Leadership Day
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Session 8: Closing Ceremonies (1:45 PM - 2:00 PM)
Closing Ceremonies
Featuring your State Thespian Officers and Emily Tinsman, 2019/2020 Miss Iowa 1:45 - 2:00 PM |
Meeting ID: 892 5177 9220
Password: VLD2020 |
We will wrap up our day with a message from lifelong Thespian, and current Miss Iowa, Emily Tinsman. Our State Thespian Officers will also have a sneak peak at what is in store this year in the world of Iowa Thespians.
We will wrap up our day with a message from lifelong Thespian, and current Miss Iowa, Emily Tinsman. Our State Thespian Officers will also have a sneak peak at what is in store this year in the world of Iowa Thespians.
About Our Closing Speaker
Emily Tinsman was born and raised in the Quad Cities. She earned her degree in Music Education from Drake University in 2019. Shortly after graduation, Emily was crowned Miss Iowa 2019 and competed for the title of Miss America 2020. She is an advocate for arts education through her initiative “Americans for the Arts- Advocate, Educate, Invest”. Every year, arts programs are the first to get cut during economic declines and her initiative focuses on the preservation of arts programs in schools through advocacy, education, and investment. This fall, she will begin her teaching career at Harding Middle School in Des Moines as a 6th-8th grade music teacher. With her scholarship dollars from the Miss America Organization, she plans to pursue her Master’s in School Administration in the near future.
About Our State Thespian Officers
The 2020 State Thespian Officers are thrilled to be with you for Iowa's first ever virtual Leadership Day! Coming from high schools all across the state, the State Thespian Officers work closely with the Iowa Thespian Chapter Board to make awesome Thespian events happen. Throughout the day, they will be leading roundtable discussions about leadership that can help you with your own theatre program. Also, if you're an STO candidate, don't forget to join us for the How to Be An Iowa STO at the end of the event.