2020 Virtual Iowa Thespian Leadership Day
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Session 4: Workshop #2 (11:00 AM - 11:45 AM)
Gold Group
Gold Group
State Thespian Officer Roundtable Presenters: 2020 State Thespian Officers 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM |
Meeting ID: 816 0468 3017
Password: VLD2020 |
The Iowa State Thespian Officers are ready to ride this leadership roller coaster with you in their roundtable discussion! Together, we're on a mission to explore all the ups, downs, and sometimes upside-downs of what it means to be a theatre leader. You will have an opportunity to share and engage in an enriching discussion on what leadership in theatre really is within our schools, troupes, and theatre departments, especially in the age of COVID-19. We are excited to hear from you what your plans are as we move forward together as a theatre community.
The Iowa State Thespian Officers are ready to ride this leadership roller coaster with you in their roundtable discussion! Together, we're on a mission to explore all the ups, downs, and sometimes upside-downs of what it means to be a theatre leader. You will have an opportunity to share and engage in an enriching discussion on what leadership in theatre really is within our schools, troupes, and theatre departments, especially in the age of COVID-19. We are excited to hear from you what your plans are as we move forward together as a theatre community.
About Our Presenters
The 2020 State Thespian Officers are thrilled to be with you for Iowa's first ever virtual Leadership Day! Coming from high schools all across the state, the State Thespian Officers work closely with the Iowa Thespian Chapter Board to make awesome Thespian events happen. Throughout the day, they will be leading roundtable discussions about leadership that can help you with your own theatre program. Also, if you're an STO candidate, don't forget to join us for the How to Be An Iowa STO at the end of the event.
Blue Group
Blue Group
Thinking About Your Future Presenter: Nikki Kelly, former State Thespian Officer and 2013 Miss Iowa 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM |
Meeting ID: 823 2922 1451
Password: VLD2020 |
Why do internships matter? Jumping into "the real world" can be very scary. One way to make that transition easier is by getting an internship. Join Nicole as she breaks down what to look for in an internship and ways to make your resume stand out!
Why do internships matter? Jumping into "the real world" can be very scary. One way to make that transition easier is by getting an internship. Join Nicole as she breaks down what to look for in an internship and ways to make your resume stand out!
About Our Presenter
Nicole Kelly was born and raised in Keokuk, Iowa. She proudly served on the Iowa State Thespian Board her senior year of high school in 2008-2009 year. (To this day, it was her favorite part of high school.) After spending every summer at the National Thespian Festival in Lincoln, Nebraska, Nicole decided to attend UNL and get a degree in directing and theater management. Nicole went on to work backstage in various professional theaters across the country. These theaters include: The Williamstown Theater Festival, The Santa Fe Opera, Manhattan Theater Club, and Steppenwolf Theater Company. Her strangest job in theater to date was being the "mom" to the Finding Neverland child actors while the show played it's out of town run at the American Repertory Theater. Today you can find Nicole working in production at a theater & museum fabrication company called Ravenswood Studio in Chicago. She also is proudly serving as an advisory company member to the National Disability Theatre. Nicole Kelly stepped into the role of public figure after winning the 2013 title of Miss Iowa and going on to compete at the 2014 Miss America Pageant. She gained attention for being one of only a few competitors to have ever competed with a physical disability. After working for a year as Miss Iowa and traveling across the country to advocate for those living with a disability, Nicole transitioned into speaking professionally. Nicole is represented by Keppler Speaking Agency and has proudly spoken at hundreds of K-12 schools and given educational lectures at universities across the country. Nicole's proudest moment was when she served as the emcee at the Kennedy Center's celebration for the 25th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act. In 2017 Nicole completed her masters degree in broadcast journalism at Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism.
Green Group
Green Group
How EdTA Can Support Your Troupe Presenter: Maryann Fiala, EdTA Director of Leadership Development 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM |
Meeting ID: 822 2374 0158
Password: VLD2020 |
The Educational Theatre Association is home to the International Thespian Society and the International Thespian Festival. In this session, you’ll get a look at what EdTA does for Thespians and discover what opportunities there are for you to participate.
The Educational Theatre Association is home to the International Thespian Society and the International Thespian Festival. In this session, you’ll get a look at what EdTA does for Thespians and discover what opportunities there are for you to participate.
About Our Presenter
Maryann Fiala is the Director of Leadership Development for the Educational Theatre Association. She brings knowledge and expertise gained in over thirty years of working with organizations to evaluate opportunities for growth and improvement. For the past twenty years she has been dedicated to strengthening the value of Associations to their stakeholders. Maryann has evaluated and launched profitable lines of business, grown membership, increased engagement, helped craft and pass legislation, developed and executed events, and much more. Her in-depth business analysis skills are enhanced with her expertise in marketing, communications, community outreach, advocacy, and program development. Maryann has a degree in Business Administration from Youngstown State University and recently completed a series of professional development courses on leadership at the University of Notre Dame, Mendoza College of Business. Maryann has a deep love and appreciation for the arts and artists. Both her mother and father were artistically gifted. While Maryann did not inherit her parents’ talents, (both her piano teacher and guitar teacher advised her parents to stop paying for lessons as she would never be a musician and, true story, people have paid her not to sing) Maryann is an avid audience member. She takes great joy watching, in awe, others perform. She served as the Stage Manager for her high school’s senior play production of Fiddler on the Roof. To this day, she credits that experience to helping her land her first real job out of college. Maryann is deeply committed to ensuring arts education is accessible to every child. She spent many years working on STEAM related issues at the state and Federal level and firmly believes, as research shows, that the Arts are an essential part of a child’s education.
Purple Group
Purple Group
Leading By Example Presenter: Dixie Forcht, Thespian Troupe #1038 Troupe Director 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM |
Meeting ID: 892 1219 9466
Password: VLD2020 |
Leadership is more than calling a meeting, giving orders, and delegating responsibilities. We will talk about ways to develop your leadership skills through action, and why it is important to lead from within rather than from above.
Leadership is more than calling a meeting, giving orders, and delegating responsibilities. We will talk about ways to develop your leadership skills through action, and why it is important to lead from within rather than from above.
About Our Presenter
Dixie Forcht is the Teacher Librarian, Thespian Sponsor, Large Group Speech Coach, and Director of Theatre for South Tama County High School. In high school, Dixie was a proud member and officer of Troupe #3359, active in theatre, drama, and speech. In college, Dixie studied theatre, performance, and radio/TV/film. Dixie holds a Bachelor's and Master's in Communication Studies with an emphasis in the Rhetoric of Performance, with minors in Film Criticism and Political Science from the University of North Texas, a Master's degree in School Library Studies from the University of Northern Iowa, as well as a TAG endorsement and Administrative License. Prior to moving to Iowa, Dixie coached speech and debate for 12 years in Texas, where she served as the President of the Texas Forensic Association, and coached numerous State Champions and National Finalists in speech, debate, and performance. In the summer of 2019, Dixie returned to the stage as Mrs. Gibbs in a local production of Our Town by Thornton Wilder.
Red Group
Red Group
Advocacy, Fundraising and Fun! Presenter: Derek Friederich, Thespian Troupe #417 Troupe Director 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM |
Meeting ID: 828 9790 0500
Password: VLD2020 |
What is the role of the Thespian troupe in your school? Troupes, like any great actor, are versatile. In this workshop, we’ll look at the many roles your troupe can play within your theatre department through the activities you plan, be it advocacy, community service, fundraising or troupe bonding.
What is the role of the Thespian troupe in your school? Troupes, like any great actor, are versatile. In this workshop, we’ll look at the many roles your troupe can play within your theatre department through the activities you plan, be it advocacy, community service, fundraising or troupe bonding.
About Our Presenter
Derek Friederich is the director of 7-12 Theatre Activities and is the technical director of the Fine Arts Center at Postville Community School District. Derek began his lifelong passion for drama while in middle school, playing Dr. Frankenstein and Dracula in school productions. He joined Speech in high school and would reprise his role as Dracula, as well as finding a love for group improv and radio news announcing. Derek then went to Upper Iowa University, graduating with a BA in Communications with an emphasis on film. Since 2010, Derek and his wife, Anne, have been with Postville Schools, directing plays, IHSSA activities and reviving Postville’s long-dormant Thespian Troupe. It is their firm belief that the experiences and skills students gain from participation in theatre are of vital importance, so they strive to provide as many opportunities for students as they can. When not spending late nights in the school auditorium, Derek enjoys going to rock concerts, watching movies and is an avid comic and toy collector. Derek and his wife also have four rambunctious cats: Ferguson, Crispin, Simpson and Seymour.